Now we are open three days a week, our updated prices are per “half-week” (Mon to Thurs or Thurs/Sat to Mon). You’re welcome to hire for longer and we’ll add cost in half-week multiples.

Wine glasses (50, polycarbonate) In Stock Now

Reuseable Wine Glasses

What you get:

  • 50 reusable polycarbonate 255ml wine glasses.

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Notes on returning

KIT LIST: 50 Wine Glasses in blue holdall

These are pretty shatter-proof (please don't try!) but we will have to charge £1 per glass that's lost or shattered. Please remember to return in the same bag and packaging that they go out in.

The glasses will be clean when you get them and we would appreciate them being returned to us clean for other people to use - so much so that we will ask you to pay £5 for our time washing them if you return them dirty.