Now we are open three days a week, our updated prices are per “half-week” (Mon to Thurs or Thurs/Sat to Mon). You’re welcome to hire for longer and we’ll add cost in half-week multiples.

Gazebo #5 In Stock Now

Gazebo #5

What you get:

  • A 3m x 6m aluminium frame gazebo, with cover for the top and side panels.

Tips for Use

The assembly is similar to this one on YouTube, but it needs 4 people as it is double size!

We recommend that two people carry this using the handles provided due to the weight. Volunteer(s) will help carry to your car.

Notes on returning

Kit LIST: Bag including: Collapsible frame, Cover, 2x bags with rope, cord, and ground pegs.

Please ensure this item is returned clean and packed correctly, suitable for the next borrower.

Popular item, please try and return it at the beginning of the day.