Now we are open three days a week, our updated prices are per “half-week” (Mon to Thurs or Thurs/Sat to Mon). You’re welcome to hire for longer and we’ll add cost in half-week multiples.

Thermal Imaging Camera

The FLIR C3-X is a professional thermal imaging camera, useful for building inspections, HVAC and electrical diagnostics and planning home insulation to cut energy usage.

We are very grateful to Chris Gaydon for donating this camera.

What you get:

  • Thermal imaging camera with 3.5 inch integrated touchscreen.
  • Cover
  • USB charging lead
  • These cameras are usually professionally calibrated every year if used for commercial purposes. As we are operating at the lowest cost we can, we just do basic checks to ensure the temperature readings are reasonable, and we don't offer these as "fully calibrated".

What you need:

  • consider reading the housewarming guides from Low Carbon Oxford North for an overview on planning a home insulation project and how thermal imaging helps
  • check out YouTube guides on the basics of these cameras: materials behave differently with heat to what we're used to with light cameras. Get up to speed on emitted, transmitted and reflected heat (3 mins) and see examples of what a professional might spot & recommend (9 mins).
  • if you want to save images, Windows computers just need to plug in, Mac users, you'll need to download Android File Transfer 
  • We've been seeing some problems with the latest macOS - if you're struggling, we can download and email your images when you return the camera.
  • You may want a USB-C adapter to help download images to your computer
  • Read the manual (button below) to make sure you're ready to go before hiring.

Notes on Returning

KIT LIST: thermal camera in box, cover, charging lead, instruction book, quick tips sheet.

Please download any images you need and return the camera with all images deleted. We will check and remove any existing pictures upon check-in.

We ask that you keep this item at a good level of charge when returned.

Popular item, please try and return it at the beginning of the day.

For popular items, we recommend you aim to pick up later on in the day and ask that you return as early as possible to allow time for the overlap and for us to test the item before it goes back out.