Now we are open three days a week, our updated prices are per “half-week” (Mon to Thurs or Thurs/Sat to Mon). You’re welcome to hire for longer and we’ll add cost in half-week multiples.

Candy Floss Maker #2

This is a small home candy floss maker, great for small parties! This isn't a professional grade to provide large quantities of candy floss for a fete, for example.

What you get:

  • A simple home candy floss maker.
  • 10 free sticks (Additional 10p each)
  • Suitable sugars 

Notes on returning

KIT LIST: Candy floss maker base, top plastic ring, cardboard box, black heating disc, sugars and sticks in blue bag,

Please clean thoroughly before return (in particular the black heating disk which is dish washer proof).

Please return all items, including packaging. We reserve the right to charge for missing bits,